Saturday, September 20, 2014

It is monthly chart of USD/CHF

It is monthly chart of USD/CHF

Let us assume and target on its trend line in macro view since the micro view is uptrend such as in daily and weekly chart
I will drop in here from time to time for responding and management
Of course, it is wise for intraday traders to take a positon for uptrend because even the daily chart is uptrend     


It is 10 month later of GBP/JPY

It is 10 month later of GBP/JPY

As I said before about GBP JPY
“In probability It has been spastically knew by Up with 80% but down with 20% ”
We would better enjoy the new start of uptrend and obey its trend but never defiance it.
Also remember “box theory”   


Friday, September 12, 2014

One year later of USD/JPY

One year later of


Has anyone become a mushroom millionaire?
Since I told you a year ago USD JPY “You may be a mushroom millionaire if you keep it”
Refer 2) and click all related topics as below
And then you will see what Cassandra said
And then you may trust her what she will say for Next strategic  

     is a year ago candle August 2013
     is a year later price 107 Yen and the gap is ranged (100~107), 7%
     is double top signal why you would better keep going on

Until when?
Enjoy its monthly chart trend but not defiance against the trend since “one swallow doesn't make a summer”

Wait for the double top which is a shape of reversal signal of ③ (Double bottom)