Showing posts with label EUR/CHF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EUR/CHF. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Is it really going up there where Cassandra is predicted?

Is it really going up there where Cassandra is predicted?
We shall see whether if she is a geek or a freak
Beforehand you must compare what she said 7 hours ago 

Remember  this information is not for the long term investor but scalper 
Do not forget Time Frame 

yours Odyssey Lee

See the marked square 

Friday, January 25, 2013

The trace of EUR/CHF

The trace 


You must compare before and after of Cassandra words  what she said about it

She said that EUR/CHF has a Trend for uprising but Every flow must have its ebb”
Even if it has uptrend, it must be take a rest in the course of adjustment arrangement

     Is Jan 17 2013
     Is Jan 18 2013 at the same time please see and compare  the price
     Is lowest price in that time 1.25659
     Is highest price in that time 1.2372

I wish you to comprehended what is meaning of Every flow must have its ebb” from chart wave
Regardless of bullish phase

To Korean speaker
1 17, 18EUR/CHF에 관하여 글을 올렸습니다.
추세는 상승추세이지만, 마치 미화와 엔화 USD/JPY 처럼 달도 차면 기운다라고.

그렇습니다. 가격은 오르고 내리니까, 투자란 다른 게 아니라 
산의 계곡과 산의 봉우리를 알면 계곡에서 사서 산봉우리에 파는 게 투자입니다.

이것은 아무리 경제를 공부하고 세계정세를 잘 파악하드래도 답을 주지 않습니다. 산의 계곡과 산봉우리는 차트만이 답을 주기 때문입니다.

차트 공부 하세요
그렇지 않으면 투자 접으시고요   

Friday, January 18, 2013

Why EUR is stronger than Swiss Franc?

 Why EUR is stronger than Swiss Franc?

Of this question I am capable of diluting the true of it
Such as EUR and Swiss economic issue as well as political issue
but I hate to do this
Let us get to the point 

To the technical anlysist,
 it seem to be absurd for consuming our energy if I do abuse my dazzling tongue 

For those are too many facts for us to be digested and comprehended
Perhaps technical anlysist may strongly insist his language instead of immense factor all of world

Let us eager to listen to his language, chart (Jan 2013 18)

This is monthly chart of EUR/CHF
This is brief answer of all the state EUR/CHF with very concise explanation.
To the general Readers, it may be seems Greek!
It is one of attribution of Bollinger Bands (BBS) which is fulfilled as contraction and dispersion(or divergence)  
     Is stochastic divergence
     Is BBS which is at the verge of Opening mouth
Black line is BBS Up lines and Red line is middle line of it
It was utmost contraction
It is at the verge of opening.

Technical analyst will answer you, pointing out this BBS, “the chart is implied all about Europe and Swiss economic situation in chart world.   

To my readers!
This information will profitable within one or two months
If you don’t know what is meaning of Monthly chart (time sequence)   

To the Korean speaker

유로가 스위스 프랑에 강세를 보이고 있습니다.
그 이유를 유럽의 정치경제에서 찾기 보다는 기술적 분석상의 차트 언어로써 찾아야 합니다. 그렇지 않으면 우리가 소화할 수 없는 다량의 정보를 취득하고 가공하여야 하는데 개인으로써 불가능에 가까운 일이니까요
우리는 혓바닥이 현란한 경제학자나 혹은 분석가 보다는 오히려 차트 분석가로부터 그 답을 찾아야 합니다.
? 유로가 스위스 프랑에 강세를 보이고 있는가?  
차트는 거두절미하고, 얻고자 하는 답을 매우 간단하게 도출하기 때문입니다.    

차트는 볼린저밴드입니다.
볼린저밴드의 속성상 차트가 응축되고 확장되는데, 지금의 차트를 보시면 최대로 수축되었고
지금 막 확장 단계에 들 어 서는 것을 확인 하실 수 있습니다.
이것은 월봉 차트이니까 최소한 2~3개월은 투자를 하셔도 손해는 보지 않은 다는 정보입니다.
성공적인 투자바랍니다

The result of Cassandra words

The result of Cassandra words
What if you listen to Cassandra word carefully?
Is it nightmare or Gospel?
Let us compare how it was and what it is

Because it is power of re-treatment  
     Is warring point
     Top point
     Retreatment (pull back) price
     Is price level of lower
     Is price level of peak 

 Before of EUR/CHF

Do you remember what she told “you do not rush?”  
She suggested price of retreatment when it is down

Thursday, January 17, 2013


In first chapter If you don’t know any lines on chart language, never mind, you will be gradually intimacy what is and how to read it. This is my final goal to be reached at though this progress in introduction chart.
But I am strongly insisting on that you must see first the account how is increasing. Tempting enough let us eager to listen what chart is telling us, and examined the lowest point well and truly, if not, let us turn away from my chart language unless the reason and logic has failed to guide and persuade you there.            
I want my readers to share this horrible fear with my chart. It will be huge advance in this field, if someone feels tragedy drama from chart; I think not less than 5 % of trades can feel how candle is sung and dance. hence  I adapt “on air ,live scene, how I strife for survivable , from the chart , feeling the uneasy,  suffer or agony , it is almost near to goals, thou, chart language is too difficult to decipher , if you feel it, it means you understand and listen to what chart is telling to you about good and bad news. Perhaps this is best way for readers to lick my brain and heard my heart beating throughout live show of battle (I name on it as air live scene from the battle)  This may work, yes, as a narrative in the first chapter partly, and rest of them, Continued last chapter. If you don’t want to disconnect the story, you can directly skip to chapter 13 

let us see real time chart and feel it 


It is 30 M chart that we consider whether if it is peak or not
In day trading, you may consider that it is the top of short term view   
As real time of it, the price is 1.24372 you would better sell it
And after re-buy it for long term view
Let us see how Cassandra words are precise!

30분봉 차트입니다.
단기적으로 한번 털어주고 다시 잡아도 좋다고 생각합니다.
왜냐하면 장기적으로는 상승추세이니까요
그러나 상승추세일지라도 눌렀다 가는 게 chart 입니다. 즉 오를 때 조차도 내렸다가 가는 곳이 있는데 소위 눌림목이 되겠군요. 이 종목은 30분봉상 한번 눌렀다가 갈 것입니다.
우리 한번 주시하고 그 결과를 비교해보지요
카산드라의 예언을 믿어도 되는지

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Real time flash information for Forex trader about EUR/CH

What are you looking for?
It is not “difference with circumstance” nor sophistical dialectic, which is excuse for no accordance

Cassandra will say a much less direction than other and less perplexity for entry decision for Fx Traders and stock traders

It is not matter of rhetoric of dazzling tongue but matter of  useful information in accuracy  for guiding what you ought to do or what you ought not do since it is crucial war.

Do not rush to buy the toil and trouble
At the moment, EUR/CHF is 1.23946(Jan 16) 30 minute chart. It is tempting enough to click and get it
But if you are chasing it, you will pay for your impatience

Cassandra will reduce your hot temper:
The trend of this item will be good for long terms
Our interesting is short terms when it is best time to buy it
Let us wait until it is down at the point of 1.23245 EUR/CHF

Of course Eur is getting stronger against Chf so that if you get the lowest, keep going and enjoy the trend like USD against JPY
Both of them will trace same way

It is going to be one of your fortunes after 2 months later if you keep it   
Good luck
Yours Cassandra