Thursday, January 17, 2013

The result of Cassandra words

What if you listen to Cassandra word carefully?
Is it nightmare or Gospel?
Let us compare how it was and what it is
Because it is power of Trend
Hence let us strip up her secret how she predicted 3.43% profits within a week   
                                          1. Real time of USD/JPY

Do you remember what she told you?
She suggested price of 120ma in 75M chart when it is going up 

                                      2. A Week ago of USD/JPY

                                 3. Strip of Cassandra words

What are the secrets of her knowledge?
How she could predicted the price if it is matter of drunken man walking as a random theory?
Because she knew the trend as Issac Newton
An object in motion will stay in motion” 
so called Ladder pattern 

It may well be regarded as a distorted rectangle not only of characteristic behavior but also of Psychological status. 
All Main concepts from the pattern are finding out common element by inductive logic, since all substance is same as rectangle pattern.
 in especially ⑧&⑩ points are shared with resisted line of 75MA, the more intersection of facts, the more you can ensure the possibility  

More about Ladder pattern 

We often heard the ‘one sparrow don’t make a summer’ it is very best explanation of ‘Trend, it means in chart trading we are able to enjoy the weather of springing, mayday of life. For one sparrow can’t switch “the Trend of spring” into especially in weather of summer. It is power of trend and power of the inertia in Issac Newton world “An object in motion will stay in motion”    

I was about to create a chapter about “sparrow and trend” For it is very good example of explanation of” “TREND" since the meaning of “TREND" is so essential to technical anlysist filed. It is one of advantage which the fundamentalist can’t get it.  

Assailed with doubt, how do we know about the period of trend in chart but not in season? 
Whereas we have known already about prior knowledge what is meaning of spring and summer and season and also have known that each season is consisted 3 month period.

It is question for us.  Even if one sparrow doesn’t make a summer’ we know when the summer is coming. In season it will be presumably within maximum of 3 month, the summer coming at least. But in chart how do we know the length and duration of trend?

It is one of our final tasks to synchronize the sensation between a sparrow in season and a trend in chart
If we can truly sense what is meaning of a summer or springing in season as like as we can feel it in chart, it is one of best and lucrative deal what we can harvest from the skill of chart.
I may reissue this topic “sparrow and trend”  

At the moment I want you to partly satisfy with the trend as below 
Thicken black line is upper line of BBS
Thicken Red line is middle line of BBS
BBS is another expression of ladder pattern especially the red line has substantially same function of trend.  

As mention before, You may recognize this is acted as same mission with same function of Resistance & supporting line as well as of one Traditional trend lines (14) because they are intersected by both conception. It is nothing but just a matter of angle from which side you can approach here.  

It is trend of BBS and of ladder pattern, too.

We can enjoy the party until the trend is collapsed with double tops’” signals ( which is  inverted pattern of “W” of course it is better if we can company with negative divergence from any indicators)

Those BBS trend between upper and middle lines has more significant power than normal trend line which you may draw as this. It is doubtlessly acted as Resistance & supporting line as well as one of traditional trend line.  

You can decline the degree of angle and see as attribution to rectangle.
The methodology of trend has been fulfilled long time since Dow Jons. Even nowadays many of analysts take advantage of this function as the trend [1]in chart language, which is neither inclination nor constancy but an object in motion in motion in Issac Newton world.

As you can see the No ~No has been busy for his mission for embracing inside of a ladder (ref. Ladder pattern chapter)

See the No and No   
Both of downtrend line and BBS of down line are breakthrough and strongly supported by BBS down line. Interpret that when such a case especially the BBS and Ladder pattern is overlapping it. They are coworkers as common interested. 
Here of BBS of Middle line and downtrend of ladder is shared with their job. You can see this as bullish phase. In my chart it is expressed by blue background color as you know.

When it is breakthrough, where is it also rebounded?
When is best time to enter here?
The once resistance will be recoiled as supported line. The support will switched as resisted

Hence It will be rebounded to the No which his function has been changed from support into resistance line with 70% personal statistic.

I wish you to expend and enlarge this fact not only into this ladder pattern but also into analogous pattern such as rectangle, flag, Wedge and all of triangle. I mean “all “ it is substantially same same but different.
And I wish you to inflate like popcorn those facts with confluence of other indicators for best timing for entry as well 

It is same trend as previous one but more clearly we can observe inside of story.



I have a question, What if it is not rectangle but flag pattern where post is as the upside down pattern of the flag?

We can artificially decline ladder pattern as above and can similarly interpret this pattern as rectangle Pattern in terms of psychological struggle story between a bull and a bear world. 

When you find out some of this pattern as the trend, it does not always guaranty you to earn the money but you have some reason to enter at least. This is one of our final missions for feeling it.  

It may be small difference in stock trading but it is big difference in technical analysis unlike fundamental analysis. It will be too luxury to apply to the fundamental analysis here in world of Forex trading.

This is reason why we classify all the patterns in the light of conception from the fractal geometry  to obtain the more possibility in chart language as well as We may access to here in this pattern as a tools of logic of induction theory.

When you see such a ladder pattern, you can think about entering at the No but not uptrend of it otherwise your psychology will fret and erosive and suppressed by emotional decision.

It is apparently at the moment just two intersection of them the point is confluence both by one of 14 trend patterns and BBS line. But you may see the more meaningful intersection as progressing of this book. I want you to not have objection that the more intersection of patterns the more possibility. But I want you to acquire and you to better arm with statistics since we can see as much as we know.

Who said the most easest things is advise some one and most difficut things is vitory in argument from ignorent one. Perhap I am doing same things, for in fact It is not easy for us to apply it in real trading because the chart is only displayed  after result. But before result it is not same matterns. Hence it is easest thing for me  to adive you that i can justy the logic only according as what is actural happened.
It is hapeend as often as eathing rice on korean breakefast and as often as I am poorly betrayed it is too bad trauma to cure it.

Let us see this chart. we know where was best point. But before result, we are humman, too humman
However Undountley you know where is hunting point as this  
     Is ideal point again
     But I had entered 2 ,for it had provided several reason to bet ; it breakout the previous higer point , C wave and chair pattern even more, but it entirely betraied  all the probability. If we are not armed with stop loss, do not foret that we are completely forlorn
     Is frist ideal point but I could not expect to be became status of from view point of
I have sad vistory with bad result.
I did it with stop loss. The lessen fee is incalculable not only material but psychological issue
We call it bad trauma. Hence in chart world, keep in mind that We absolutely cannot get along without stop loss. I mean not only this pattern in chapter but also all of loweret point in all chapter

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

조이맥스 내일의 차트입니다.

조이매수 내일 반등이 발생해야 합니다.

30분봉 차트에서 일었났으니, 3~% 먹고 빠저 나오는 전략이 좋을 듯합니다.
차트를 보시면 빨간 동그라민 4개가 보이지요
그리고 추세대도 보이구요?
그렇다면, 어떤 모습의 Pattern 이 그려질까요?
사다리형 패턴을 스스로 그려 보시고 대응하세요

The Cassandra words of USD/JPY

The currency market is much like war, 
but the fighting is conducted by our proxies, traders with civilized weapons.
As soon as one sits down in a trading room with keyboard and mouse, one confronts an anonymous enemy who is Faceless, nameless, and nationless, but who, with one mouse click, accesses the vast arsenal of e-trading even in toilet.
The currency war occurs every day, with a trade volume of USD 3 trillion. As we view currency trading as a kind of war, we can see that the enterprise fits well into the whole structure and history of civilization. 
As the Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “War is father of all things.” Such war does not happen only on battlefields, but takes place even amid the civility of the modern world, everywhere and at all times in a variety of forms. 
In the currency war, battles are fought between the bulls and the bears,(remember why we call trading terms as “the bullish and bearish phase”)  strife is between greed and fear. Ultimately, like all wars, it is being fought for the preservation of the civilization that wages it, for the sake of reproduction and survival.

Thus, we are marching to win a war, so that we can continue in the trade of life and in a life of trade. The tools I present – a survival kit for this war – may seem complex and odd at times. They are probably not suitable for all traders.

It has often been said that we can achieve this if we know how to control our fear and greed. However, such a goal is not realistic. Not even the most respected of analysts could achieve it, as the lives and work of Joseph E. Granville, Jesse Livermore, or Ralph Nelson Elliott attest.

Secondly, you may not be happy the process of trading, no matter what, from such as scalping, intraday trading, middle term trading or long term trading, rather it is the process of your life is unhealthy and dried life and you may be eventually living on the heavy stress, and Even entirely you isolated life from community. So many people will agree on that this is not good life
Also I believe that this is far from wellbeing life but it is busy for producing for just lonely warrior     

Finally the rest of 95%, losers from this game, we are meant to pave to Bible’s prediction “He who lives not by the stock shall not die by stock/Forex” Accordingly my scope of guidance will not be completely happy (even though 5% winner, survivors)

In fact, after result, we can make a voice thousand times as different shape for justifying but before result, we cannot even one voice for the tomorrow price. We call it only God knows and nobody know tomorrow price. Even if I do ornament on my chart about lowest price, I do not really know, only God know and can predict tomorrow price. If someone telling you that he knows tomorrow price, remind them of “power of compound interested ratio, if he knows it, amassed money like snowball and dying of too much money” and finally destroyed market run.

You may ask me what purpose you need to study for this book.
Answer will be for “responding as circumstance” since it is not territory of prediction but response
Then you doubt it again and ask me again “
Is it useless as chess game”?

Unless you are inevitable, have your own ‘principle’ or criterion and access with ‘idea or imagination of its next step from chart’ and execute “stop loss” you may be far from what you pine for. Hence Keep away from prediction such as stock, commodity and Forex.

The Cassandra words of USD/JPY



It is typical pattern for trend followers that you must remember “ride running horses”
But it is today (2013/01/05) at the prosed price of 88.056 closed due to Sunday
Do not rush and rash to ride them
The best point to ride them is when retreated back to 87.741. Because the 120MA of 30 minute candle chart will be acted by supported line
Let us see it whether if Cassandra words are trustable or not  
     Is higher price point
     Is crossed price in this weekend
     Is target price for you to capture of it
     Is 120 ma of 30 minute candle stick chart 
The fortune are very crossed to you because you can get what you can see this chart
Enjoy and Good luck to you
From Cassandra

Real time flash information for Forex trader about EUR/CH

What are you looking for?
It is not “difference with circumstance” nor sophistical dialectic, which is excuse for no accordance

Cassandra will say a much less direction than other and less perplexity for entry decision for Fx Traders and stock traders

It is not matter of rhetoric of dazzling tongue but matter of  useful information in accuracy  for guiding what you ought to do or what you ought not do since it is crucial war.

Do not rush to buy the toil and trouble
At the moment, EUR/CHF is 1.23946(Jan 16) 30 minute chart. It is tempting enough to click and get it
But if you are chasing it, you will pay for your impatience

Cassandra will reduce your hot temper:
The trend of this item will be good for long terms
Our interesting is short terms when it is best time to buy it
Let us wait until it is down at the point of 1.23245 EUR/CHF

Of course Eur is getting stronger against Chf so that if you get the lowest, keep going and enjoy the trend like USD against JPY
Both of them will trace same way

It is going to be one of your fortunes after 2 months later if you keep it   
Good luck
Yours Cassandra

It is the result of Cassandra words

It is the result of Cassandra words
Before and after

See 2013/01/05 of Cassandra word 
and compare what she predicted

She said “enjoy the trend” and the Resisted line of 120ma as a trend line
It is not expired yet, if you did catch USD/JPY 10days ago

Keep going on until your wallet is getting heavier
I mean heavier than your greedy since you do not know when you are feed full again

Be hold!
Revise the trend line of 120ma in 30 minute char as 75 minute chart.

75 minute chart of 120ma is fulfilled as trend line more accuracy than 30 min. chart of 120ma

한국인들이 이 글을 읽은 다면, 10일전에 USD/JPY 대하여 글을 올렸습니다.
추세를 먹으라고
그리고 30분봉상 120이평이 추세선 이라고 그러나 보다 정확한 추세 선은 75분봉에서 120분봉으로 잡고, 마치 여인이 첫사랑 남자 바지가랑이 붙들고 놓아 주지 않듯이, 꽉 붙들고 있으라고!
계속 추세를 즐기시기 바랍니다

Saturday, January 12, 2013

엔화 약세와 전략

엔화 약세 어디까지 갈 것인가?
요즘 언론에서 엔화의 약세를 언급합니다. 그러나 이들은 언제까지 엔화가 약세인지 그리고 언제까지 엔화 약세는 지속될는지 아무런 언급이 없습니다. 눈 있고 귀가 있으면 다 알 수 있는 사실만을 떠 벌이고 있기 때문입니다. 그들도 알고 우리도 알고 하물며 개도 소도 아는 사실을 뒷 북 치듯이 떠버리고 있습니다.  그것도 주장하고 있는 논지에 대하여 면피성 반대의견을 곁들이면, 글을 읽고 있는 독자에게 아무런 도움이 될지 않은 듯 하여 몇 자 올립니다.  

엔화가 한달 혹은 두 달 아니면 1년 후에 까지 약세를 이어갈까?
아니면 몇 년 동안 약세를 이어갈까?
위 물음은 독자에게 큰 관심사입니다.

왜냐하면 엔화에 관심 있는 분들이라면, 엔화에 대한 정보가 돈과 관련이 되였기 때문입니다. 일본과 경쟁관계에 있는 대기업은 물론 일본에 수출하고 있는 중소기업뿐만 아니라, FX 외환시장에서 투자자에게도 어쩌면 운명의 전환점이 될 수도 있는 정보이기 때문입니다. (아니 대한민국 국가에게도 큰 정보가 될 것입니다)

단기전망과 장기 전망에 대하여 말씀 드리겠습니다
                          단기전망에 대하여.

위 차트는 1주일 전에 2013 1 5일에 저의 페이스북, 트위터, 및 불로그에 올렸든 차트입니다.
수출업자에게는 별 도움이 되지 않을 수도 있으나, 외환투자자에게는 꽤 큰 수익을 창출했던 정보가 되였을 것입니다. 만약 저의 말대로 성급하게 30분상에서 고점에서 잡지 말고, 오히려 내리는 눌림목에서 그것도 추세를 믿고, 120이평선에 잡았다면 1 주일 동안에 꽤 수익이 되였을 것입니다.
그러나 이 글을 읽고 있는 다수는 외환투자자가 아니라고 봅니다. 따라서 이 정보는 큰 파동 속에 작은 물결 즉, 큰 차트 속에 작은 차트의 추세는 장기 투자자에게는 별 도움이 되지 않을 듯 하여, 엔화의 장기전망에 대하여 말씀 드리겠습니다.
특히나 일본과 무역하는 사람들 위하여 장기전망 참고 하시기 바랍니다. 환율에 따른 경영상의 변수는 원가절감 그 이상의 변수 보다 매우 크기 때문이고 원가절감 10% 하기는 어렵지만 환율 때문에 10% 손해나는 것은 쉽기 때문이지요.    

                            장기전망에 대하여

짧게 말하면 기술적 분석상에서는 더 이상의 강세는 없을 것이라고 말합니다.
그 이유는
     번은 보조지표인 스토케스틱인데 다이버전스이고
     번은 전고점의 악성매물을 소화하고 추세선 입니다
한편 이동평균선 측면에서 해석할 수 있는데
고동색은 5이평이고 노란색은 20이동평균선입니다.
어떻다고 생각하세요? 그렇습니다.
고동색 5이평이 쌍바닥을 (W) 그렸기에 노란색 20이평이 꺾였지요. 시장이 우리에게 추세전환의 승인이 내 주었다고 볼 수 있습니다.
차트의 기술적 분석의 추세는 물리학상에서 일종의 가속도에 해당하므로 한번 탄력을 받으면 쉽게 멈추지 않는 속성이 있습니다. 보시는 차트처럼 월봉에서 추세를 받으면 몇 달이 아니라 몇 년 동안이 됩니다.
이는 곧 더 이상의 미화가 엔화에 대하여 강세를 추세를 지속하지 못하고, 엔저 현상이 5년 이상은 지속 될 것입니다. 중소기업자들이 만약에 일본과 거래를 하려면 엔화보다는 미화를 결재수단으로 삼아야 한다는 말이고, 외환투자자(Forex)에게는 단기 파동에 일희일비 하지 마시고 여유 돈 가지고 푸욱묻어두는 게 상책이라는 말이지요.

Friday, January 11, 2013

카산드라 차트 (3일 후 월요일 용입니다)

내일 주시해야 할 종목중에  조이맥스가 눈에 쏘옥 들어오내요.
이 종목은 오늘은 금요일 한주의 마무리를 25900원으로 마감했습니다.
당연히 우리의 관심은 내일 모래 글피, 즉 월요일이 문제가 됩니다.
, 2013 1 14일 아침에 이 종목을 주시하시기 바랍니다.
아니, 주시하기 보다는 좀더 가까기 가기 위해서 분석의 잣대를 들이 대보기로 하겠습니다. 기술적 분석은 지금의 상황을 어떻게 말하고 있는지

30분봉으로 접근했습니다. 단타 개념이고 크게는 swing 종목으로 봐도 무리가 없을 듯 합니다. 분석을 해보지요.
     120ma DC(Dead cross) 이후 하락 추세전환 되였습니다.
     번에서 120ma가 지지선으로 작용하고 있습니다. 두번을 120ma를 때렸습니다.
     번에서 120ma가 세 번째 돌파를 시도했지만, 주저앉았습니다.
     번에서 노란선 20ma 관점에서 보지요.
     번에서 쌍바닥을 그렸고
     번은 5번보다 저점을 높였고
     번은 3번의 전고점을 돌파했습니다. 이때 3번까지 악성매물을 소화했다고 해석하세요
     번부터는 거래량 관점에서 보지요. 거래량이 줄어들고 있는데 6번의 가격이 오르고 있지요 그렇습니다. 바로 거래량 다이버전스 입니다.
이것은 30분봉이니까 2배로 확대 해보겠습니다. 어떻게 하시는지 아시지요? 그렇습니다 15분봉 차트로 2배를 확대 합니다.
파동을 한번 셈해보지요

위 차트는 15분봉 차트로 2배를 확대했습니다.
8번를 확대 15분으로 확대하니까 하늘색 화살표 방향으로 거래량이 줄어들고 있지요
그리고 가격의 캔들을 보노라니, 거래량과 반대로 오르고 있지요?
이때 다이버전스의 정의를 상기하시면 거래량이 증가하면 캔들이 오르게 되므로, 우리의 관심사는 캔들이 아니라 바로 거래량 지표를 시선을 고정시켜서 대응하면 되겠지요.
파동을 한번 셈해보지요

C파동은 4번이고 E 파동은 5번이며 7번은 3번의 악성매물을 소화했다고 해석할 때
개인적으로 제가 너무나 편애하는 차트 중에 하나입니다.

Friday, January 4, 2013

The Cassandra words of USD/JPY

The Cassandra words of USD/JPY

It is typical pattern for trend followers that you must remember “ride running horses”
But it is today (2013/01/05) at the prosed price of 88.056 closed due to Sunday
Do not rush and rash to ride them
The best point to ride them is when retreated back to 87.741. Because the 120MA of 30 minute candle chart will be acted by supported line
Let us see it whether if Cassandra words are trustable or not  
     Is higher price point
     Is crossed price in this weekend
     Is target price for you to capture of it
     Is 120 ma of 30 minute candle stick chart 
The fortune are very crossed to you because you can get what you can see this chart
Enjoy and Good luck to you
From Cassandra
한국분들이 이글을 보시다면, 미화가 오르고 엔화가 내리까 내일 모레 7일 월요일에 추세매매 기법으로 접근하세요
반듯이 저점에서 잡아야 하니까 서둘으지 마시고 87.741Yen 에서 잡도록 하세요 
30분봉상 120 ma 이동평균선이 지지선으로 작용 할 것입니다.
여기까지 성공했다면
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The Cassandra words of USD/JPY

The Cassandra words of USD/JPY
It is typical pattern for trend followers that you must remember “ride running horses”
But it is today (2013/01/05) at the prosed price of 88.056 closed due to Sunday
Do not rush and rash to ride them
The best point to ride them is when retreated back to 87.741. Because the 120MA of 30 minute candle chart will be acted by supported line
Let us see it whether if Cassandra words are trustable or not  
     Is higher price point
     Is crossed price in this weekend
     Is target price for you to capture of it
     Is 120 ma of 30 minute candle stick chart 
The fortune are very crossed to you because you can get what you can see this chart
Enjoy and Good luck to you
From Cassandra
한국분들이 이글을 보시다면, 미화가 오르고 엔화가 내리까 내일 모레 7일 월요일에 추세매매 기법으로 접근하세요
반듯이 저점에서 잡아야 하니까 서둘으지 마시고 87.741Yen 에서 잡도록 하세요
30분봉상 120 ma 이동평균선이 지지선으로 작용 할 것입니다.
여기까지 성공했다면
추세를 바라보고 가세요.