Saturday, February 7, 2015

One year later of USD/JPY (IV)

One year later of USD/JPY (IV)

  It seems to be progressed by the CORECTIVE wave for the time being, more than a half year even a year.
You would better take a positon only for downtrend for 6~12 months after that
It seems rebound again for uptrend
And means that the macro view of the wave in monthly chart scale is not dead rather keeping going on the uptrend
For 6 month I wish you not to expect it is going to “UP”
Today’s issue are, if so, what the level of price will be supported?
It is a meaningful question
The answer is the 10 ma ( 10 month moving average line)
Let us see more details about the chart   

Monthly chart of USD/JPY

     is “V” signal of Bollinger band which I recommend you to wait. Now it is the shape of what I expected
     is the dead cross signal of Stochastic I recommend you to wait. Now it is the shape of what I expected but insufficient ( I have required the bellow 80% of the overbought)  
     is 1 or 3 impulse wave ( never mind!  It is only “name it”)
     is 3 or 5 impulse wave ( never mind!  It is only “name it”) but the most meaningful of the③ and ④ are not just name. Rather it is a significant of “the size of wave and it’s equivalently copy of the wave, so to speak, it is proportional size of “③ = ④” Don’t you think it is not same size of the wave? And then it is not reasonable conclusion of the corrective wave?
     is the 10 month moving average(10ma) which should be acted as supported line when it is the end of corrective wave     

see more details of it and comprehend it’s history of my blog

Von voyage!

Friday, December 12, 2014

One year later of USD/JPY (III)

One year later of

This subject is interlinked with
And is reissued until when we can enjoy “its trend”?
On the contrary, when is it stopped and corrective wave again? Since It is only question whether we clear the position or keep on it.(for I told you a year ago the best time to clear the position)
I think it is nearest to such a termination for a prudential strategic  
At the moment the US dollar against Japanese Yen (USD/JPY) is indicated as 118.772 (Yen).
For retrospection of what chart have been posted of this issue since more than 1 year
And review and scrutinized what I said truly and well.
Please watch it attentively whether if the signals are appeared or not    
However this is another monthly chart and another viewed to be deciphered but mostly it is same conception as previous chart   

Monthly chart of USD/JPY

     is perhaps to be said an impulse wave ( either 1 or 3 waves, apparently more like 3 waves ) as an Elliott followers would called it. But I dislike its theory since there are immense exceptions and so many differences with circumstance for sophisticated excuse.
     is 5 waves (if so, first wave is the 1 wave). but you may well forget Elliott principal wave theory since it is to me “the humor of Scholars” but what I want to say here, it is often enough to be happened, calling as “the rule of equivalent length” just as the size of ①=②, if so, we are near to switch the positon because it should be stopped somewhere around here.    
     is previous high point ( more or less 123. Yen). This is the point where is overlapped with maximum wave size of ①, so that we need to prepare to clear the positon
     is stochastic which should be confluence with Bollinger bands “V” signal
     is Bollinger bands’ down line which should be occurred as bands signal “V”
     is an example of the “V” signal just before you, which should be kept eyes on for the confluence as the same ⑥=⑦ as ④=⑤
Anyway watch out it very attentively with those signals

and von voyage!   

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

4 months later Of EUR/GBP

4 months later

It has been issued by Sir, David Horton, 4 months ago EUR GBP
Let us see what next movement is
Please refer to the click here (if you cant remember)

Monthly chart of EUR/GBP

I have keep on saying “respect the TREND”
But Now It is time for you to defiance “the TREND” because the signals are appeared as that It has been reproduced the duplication of the wave and been analogue with just as the shape of ① so the shape of ②, called double bottom

     is the double bottom of Stochastic indicator
     is exactly copy with the shape of

Hence you would better switch the position from downtrend mind to uptrend
Until When?
See the ③, which will act as resistance line, more or less 0.85000

Bon Voyage! 

Saturday, November 15, 2014

One year later of USD/JPY

One year later of


It has been a long journey of USD JPY in almost 10 Blogs
Traced what Cassandra said to you by the reversal process of the posted sequence, you may find out the accordance with the entire phrase.  

But I doubt that anyone scarcely has been kept on it and become a mushroom billionaire?!
Even now it will be not too late to respect and obey its trend and never defiance like young rebellions against a currency of Japanese Yen

Monthly chart of USD/JPY

More details you may see which Cassandra in just previous a blog, answered about the issue of “until when” if you keep it?

      is down line of Bollinger bands which is supposed to tell you best timing as “V” signal when you sell it and run away  
      is stochastic signal which you wait for the Dead Cross
      is down line of Bollinger bands which is supposed to be happened to the same single of “V” as (so that it will be a “Signal as =)
      is stochastic signal which you wait for inside of as the same signal as the Dead Cross (so that it will be a “Signal as =)
Because those idea has same relationship and attribution just as = so =

It may be better to repeat the same sentence.

-         Enjoy its monthly chart trend but not defiance against the trend since “one swallow doesn't make a summer”-

I wish you to trace all the records what had been posted 

Bon voyage!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

3 months later of EUR/GBP

3 months later of EUR/GBP

It has been issued by Sir, David Horton, 3 months ago EUR GBP
Let us see what next movement is
Please refer to the click here (if you can’t remember)

Monthly chart of EUR/GBP

     is  the “Completed double top” signal for our navigation, waiting for the same shape from  
     is “Uncompleted double top” signal for our navigation as stopping downtrend, Otherwise do not defiance against the Trend rather respect it  
     is the ladder pattern of “Downtrend line” if it is unstoppable without appearing with double top which is exactly same shape of ①, it is acting as the supported line   

Good luck to you!

Yours Cassandra  

Saturday, September 20, 2014

It is monthly chart of USD/CHF

It is monthly chart of USD/CHF

Let us assume and target on its trend line in macro view since the micro view is uptrend such as in daily and weekly chart
I will drop in here from time to time for responding and management
Of course, it is wise for intraday traders to take a positon for uptrend because even the daily chart is uptrend     


It is 10 month later of GBP/JPY

It is 10 month later of GBP/JPY

As I said before about GBP JPY
“In probability It has been spastically knew by Up with 80% but down with 20% ”
We would better enjoy the new start of uptrend and obey its trend but never defiance it.
Also remember “box theory”   


Friday, September 12, 2014

One year later of USD/JPY

One year later of


Has anyone become a mushroom millionaire?
Since I told you a year ago USD JPY “You may be a mushroom millionaire if you keep it”
Refer 2) and click all related topics as below
And then you will see what Cassandra said
And then you may trust her what she will say for Next strategic  

     is a year ago candle August 2013
     is a year later price 107 Yen and the gap is ranged (100~107), 7%
     is double top signal why you would better keep going on

Until when?
Enjoy its monthly chart trend but not defiance against the trend since “one swallow doesn't make a summer”

Wait for the double top which is a shape of reversal signal of ③ (Double bottom) 

Friday, August 29, 2014

It is 9 month later of GBP/JPY

It is 9 month later of GBP/JPY


I hope that Nobody died from heart attack from what I said before since I Mentioned about both its “peak and date” (Dec. /20/2013.) 170.050~8.91% of down trend level line)

Our issue is whether the direction is up or down?
Yes indeed!
It has been statically knew by Up with 80% but down with 20%

From now on you may apply for box theory 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

A month later of EUR/GBP

A month later of EUR/GBP

Do you remember this topic EURGBP?

Let us see how it has been progressed since I posed (2014/07/07 15:30)
I analyzed it a month ago ”the corrective wave of level will be at 0.77868 (refer to previous blog or click here but it has been to 0.78742 at last month
What is next movement?   

Monthly chart of EUR/GBP

     Was supported line as previous low point   in a month ago and was Expected level 0.77868 refer to previous blog and contrast to “before and after”
     is 120ma as acting as supported line
     is stochastic which you have waited so long as the shape of “double bottom”
     is getting crossed to the shape of

Friday, July 25, 2014

Relation between 450 and 30 minute candle chart in AUD/CAD

Corelation between 450 and 30 minute candle chart

In order to see the trend, we need to check out the big chart.
In order to see the real time movement of the wave, we need to compare both big and small chart.
It is one of very important rule of mine, no satisfying with this condition, I am very scared to enter this game.
I wish you to be one of mine after prudently reading it, because it is essential knowledge to know chart world, unless we are meant to entirely bland for comparison with size of wave and its displacement.

This AUD/CAD(audcad)is displaying for good example of meaning of timeframe and it’s relationship. After Contrasting to both 450 and 30 minute chart to catch the sensation of time as well as of size of wave, we may feel not only where we are but also how it is big and small of wave.  Let us compare timeframe with Relation between 450 and 30 minute candle chart.

450 minute candle chart

To know first the trend I love to review big chart and zoom in/out the inside circle of 5ma in 450 minute chart. Consequently to know the inside live show of this big chart, I never stingy about inquirer to 30 minute chart.    

For insistence
See carefully 5ma inside of 5ma
Do you think that 5ma is turning up or down?
If you are sure, you may be a big fortune.
To my knowledge, it will be up
1) How big wave? (Shortly it will be double size of ② so that another duplicated triangle size of ③
2) How come?  (it is a long story ,let us see the chart)

     is my formation of moving average(ma) 5,10,20,60,120,240ma. I wish you to remember it and its color too, specially 5ma of purple line  
     is symmetrical triangle, tracing ④⑤②( Can you get it?)
     is supposed to same length of
     is upper trend line of symmetrical triangle
     are both down trend line of symmetrical triangle and ladder pattern trend line
     is upper trend line of ladder pattern trend line
With the macro view of 450 minute chart, you may know where you are and what size of wave you are swimming now.
Regardless of its target price of which is another equivalent size of ②, let us play with ladder pattern until the upper ladder pattern trend line of ⑥ is breakout. As soon as the ⑥ is breakthrough, it will be signal of

30 minute candle chart

In order to tease the ladder pattern of ⑤⑥, it may be very convenience for us to see detail information in 30 minute chart  

How do you feel from this 30 minute chart?

All the line such as moving average (ma) and trend line is simultaneously enlarged. We can see more comfortably what it is going on.
Especially do not miss the 120ma (grey line) which is equivalent of 10ma in 450 minute chart.

It has been happening to superposition of double tops as well as positive arrangement of all moving average (ma)      

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

15 days later of EUR/GBP 30 minute chart

15 days later of
30 minute chart

It was First day mentioned (July 6) that someone asked for proper timing for bullish phase.
Please review preview post to remember what I said

The issue of this EURGBP is whether it is possible to take a position for downtrend line again or not?
It is providing with another opportunity for down trend position
I draw it
You check it

     is First day mentioned (July 6) which I asked by Mr. David
     is 15 candle since then.
     Expected downtrend line, providing with another opportunity for down trend position
So that you may take a chance again
Good luck!

Yours Cassandra 

9 days later Daily chart of USD/CAD

9 days later 
Daily chart of
I have posted it since 9days ago ( USDCAD )
I wish you to review the previous post and check out what I said
And to hand over this item with this final post
Because I want to anchor this journey for another trip
Good luck!

     is triple bottom since I mentioned
     is double top confluence with
     is retesting signal of stochastic ,supposed to keep on downtrend
     is down line of Bollinger bands “V” signal (please review the past blog)  

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Daily chart of EUR/CAD

Daily chart of

This is another good example for stochastic “Dead cross” signal in the combination with Bollinger 

     is dead crossed signal of stochastic
     is the down line of Bollinger bands which is supposed to be reacted by the supported line
This ( EUR CAD)  information will be useful for you if you make up your mind for downtrend line.

Good luck !