Saturday, February 7, 2015

One year later of USD/JPY (IV)

One year later of USD/JPY (IV)

  It seems to be progressed by the CORECTIVE wave for the time being, more than a half year even a year.
You would better take a positon only for downtrend for 6~12 months after that
It seems rebound again for uptrend
And means that the macro view of the wave in monthly chart scale is not dead rather keeping going on the uptrend
For 6 month I wish you not to expect it is going to “UP”
Today’s issue are, if so, what the level of price will be supported?
It is a meaningful question
The answer is the 10 ma ( 10 month moving average line)
Let us see more details about the chart   

Monthly chart of USD/JPY

     is “V” signal of Bollinger band which I recommend you to wait. Now it is the shape of what I expected
     is the dead cross signal of Stochastic I recommend you to wait. Now it is the shape of what I expected but insufficient ( I have required the bellow 80% of the overbought)  
     is 1 or 3 impulse wave ( never mind!  It is only “name it”)
     is 3 or 5 impulse wave ( never mind!  It is only “name it”) but the most meaningful of the③ and ④ are not just name. Rather it is a significant of “the size of wave and it’s equivalently copy of the wave, so to speak, it is proportional size of “③ = ④” Don’t you think it is not same size of the wave? And then it is not reasonable conclusion of the corrective wave?
     is the 10 month moving average(10ma) which should be acted as supported line when it is the end of corrective wave     

see more details of it and comprehend it’s history of my blog

Von voyage!

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